Understanding Your Car’s Exhaust System

Understanding Your Car’s Exhaust Systemmuffler exhaust

Your car’s exhaust system is one of its most critical components, not only for proper engine performance, but also for the safety of passengers riding in the vehicle.

In this blog, let’s look at the main parts of a car’s exhaust system, how they work, and what you need to know to detect any potential problems.

What is a Car Exhaust System and Why is it Important?

The purpose of a modern vehicle’s exhaust system is to capture burnt gases from the engine, filter pollutants, quiet engine noise, and prevent any fumes from entering the car’s cabin. Here are its four main components.

The Main Components and Functions of a Car’s Exhaust System:

Exhaust Manifold

The exhaust manifold connects the car’s engine to the rest of the exhaust system. As fuel is burned for power, the engine releases spent gases into the manifold, which sends it back to the tailpipe and into the atmosphere.

Catalytic Converter

All cars sold in the U.S. since 1975 have been equipped with a catalytic converter. Vehicle exhaust contains toxic substances, including carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen oxide. Catalytic converters utilize precious metals such as palladium, platinum, and rhodium to remove up to 90% of an exhaust’s poisonous gases before they leave a car’s tailpipe.


Simply put, the muffler has one main job, and that is to quiet the noise coming from the car’s engine. Mufflers also produce needed back pressure, which is required for proper vehicle performance. If you notice your car is suddenly getting louder, it might be time for a new muffler.


A car’s tailpipe is also an important part of the exhaust system, as it is where the car’s engine fumes are released into the air. It’s critical that your vehicle’s tailpipe is in good condition, and does not allow engine exhaust to enter the car’s cabin.

Signs Your Car Exhaust System Needs Maintenance or Repair:

The exhaust system plays a vital role in the safe operation of your vehicle. If you should experience any of the following, be sure to have your car inspected by a qualified repair shop.

Loss of Engine Power – This could indicate a clog in the exhaust system or a loose component.

Vibration – If a pipe clamp is rusted, or needs to be tightened, a loud vibration might be heard inside the vehicle.

Progressively Loud Engine Noise – A broken or worn-out muffler will cause a car’s engine to become increasingly louder as you drive.

Smoke – If you notice blue, or an excessive amount of white smoke coming from your car’s exhaust, it could indicate an engine problem. Having it checked out by a mechanic is advisable.

Increased Fuel Consumption – A semi-clogged catalytic converter can decrease fuel efficiency.

Importance of Regular Exhaust System Maintenance

 Each time you have your car serviced, be sure to ask the mechanic shop to take a look at the vehicle’s exhaust system.

In addition to performing a maintenance inspection, the technicians can determine if any exhaust leaks, rust, damage, loose clamps, or other potential issues with the muffler, or tailpipe are present. Having a properly operating exhaust system is key to ensuring your car is safe and reliable.

Car-X is Here to Help!

 For more than 50 years, the pros at Car-X have kept our customers safe, no matter where life’s road takes them. If you notice any issues with your car’s exhaust system, stop by your nearest Car-X for a free inspection. Our highly trained mechanics and technicians will get you back on your way in no time. Visit us today!

Car Air Bags & Child Safety | Vehicle Air Bag Safety Tips

Air Bags & Child Safetyairbag safety

In the U.S., every car, SUV, van and truck manufactured since 1998 is equipped with air bag safety technology. According to the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration, 50,000 lives have been saved over a 30-year period because of air bags.

Car and Vehicle Air Bags: What Parents Need to Know

While there is no doubt air bag technology has played a huge role in helping to make automobile travel safer, there are some important things to know about them, particularly when it comes to children riding in vehicles.

In this blog, let’s take a look at air bags, how they work, and what you can do to ensure that children riding in your car are as safe as possible.

The History of Air Bags in Cars

The concept of an air bag actually dates back to the 1950’s and 60’s, but the technology available at the time made them impractical. By the 1980’s, there were great advancements in air bag design and functionality, and a decade later, they were standard in all U.S. vehicles.

How Vehicle Air Bags Work and Protect Passengers in a Crash

The basic idea of an air bag is simple. During a collision, it is designed to rapidly inflate, preventing people from slamming into a vehicle’s interior components, such as the dashboard, or windshield.

In today’s most modern cars, air bags are not only located in the steering wheel and passenger dashboard areas, but also on the sides and lower portions of a vehicle’s cabin. Based on the type of collision and impact point, a car’s sensors will determine which airbags would be best to deploy in the protection of passengers. Upon deployment, they inflate incredibly fast in order to cushion the physical blow that people experience during an accident.

Car Air Bags and Children

Air bags have proven to be highly effective in helping to prevent serious injury in adults, but they can be dangerous to young children and babies. Because of their smaller stature, child passengers can be severely injured or killed when impacted by exploding air bag.

How to Keep Children Safer with Vehicle Air Bags

The good news is adults can take proactive steps to help make car travel safer for young children with respect to airbags. The following is important information to know.

Car Air Bag Safety for Infants, Toddlers, and Older Children

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, all children under the age of 13 should ride in the backseat of vehicles. Depending on age, they need to be either secured by seat belts, or placed in a car seat, or booster seat appropriate for their size and weight.

 Infants & Toddlers

Rear facing car seats should always be used for infants and toddlers. It is best to continue this practice until a child reaches the height and weight limitations for their specific car seat.

Car Seat and Seat Belt Guidelines for Preschoolers and Older Children

Children who have outgrown a rear facing car seat, should ride in a front facing seat, secured with the seat belt, and a harness attached to a back-anchor clip. This practice should be followed until a child outgrows the seat according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Older children should always ride in the back until the age of 13, or when reaching the age of 9, be 4’ 9” in height, and at least 80 pounds.

Whether it be front or back, older children need to be securely fastened by their lap and shoulder belts, properly adjusted for their size.

For parents who need help installing car seats, many police and fire departments offer car seat clinics, where they offer to install and secure a car seat for no charge.

Car-X Cares About Your Safety

For over 50 years, it has been the mission of Car-X to keep our customers and their cars safely on the road. Air bags are a proven safety technology, but parents need to follow established guidelines regarding them and children.

When your car needs repair or maintenance services, Car-X is your single source solution. Give us a call today! We’ll help keep you moving down the road!

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Understanding 5 Essential Components of Your Car’s Brake System

Car’s Brake System

A car’s brake system is crucial for safety, and understanding its components can help you maintain your vehicle.

All drivers should be aware that a car’s brakes are one of its most important safety systems. As automobiles have evolved, brake design and functionality have gotten more complicated.

As a motorist, it’s important to understand how your car’s brakes work, so you can always keep them in top operating condition. In this blog, let’s look at 5 major components of car brake systems, and the roles they play in safely stopping the vehicle as you drive.

Car Brake Systems

Car brake systems are comprised of hydraulic brakes, mechanical brakes, and advanced technologies like anti-lock braking systems (ABS). Understanding the different types can help you make informed maintenance decisions.

Master Cylinder

The master cylinder is a reservoir that holds the car’s hydraulic brake fluid. This device is connected to steel brake lines that distribute brake fluid to each wheel.
When you press the brake pedal, hydraulic pressure from the fluid is sent through the brake lines to the brake calipers. The calipers squeeze brake pads within them and contact the metal brake rotors on each wheel. The friction generated by the calipers, pads, and rotors is what slows the car down.

Brake Fluid

Brake fluid converts the physical force of pushing down on the brake pedal to hydraulic pressure and finally mechanical force. As the master cylinder sends the pressurized brake fluid through the brake lines, it moves the calipers and brake pads to stop the car. Stopping the car requires a energy conversion from motion to heat. Normal operating temperatures can reach 450 degrees Fahrenheit.
It’s very important to ensure your car’s master cylinder has the proper amount of brake fluid in it and that it is free of impurities. Like the other critical fluids that make a car work properly, brake fluid has a replacement a service interval. There are several different types of brake fluid sold on the market today, so be sure you know which kind your car requires.


A caliper is a clamping device on each wheel that holds the brake pads in place. When the brake pedal is pressed, the master cylinder sends fluid to each wheel caliper, which presses the pads onto the brake rotors. This combined action starts the process of stopping the car. Calipers are subjected to extreme heat and over time will stop performing as they should. The best way to extend caliper life is to follow your car’s brake fluid replacement service interval.

Brake Pads

Brake pads are metallic plates that fit on the inside walls of each brake caliper. When the brake pedal is pushed, the calipers extend the pads onto the brake rotors, causing friction, which stops the car.
Under normal driving conditions, brake pads can last for thousands of miles. However, they do eventually wear, and will need to be replaced to ensure the brakes continue to work properly.
** Note: Instead of calipers and brake pads on all four wheels, some cars today still utilize brake drums, wheel cylinders, and brake shoes in the rear. This equipment is slightly different, but the stopping principle is the same.

ABS System

Nearly all modern cars are equipped with ABS technology, sometimes referred to as anti-lock braking. Your car has an onboard computer that monitors the vehicle for what is known as wheel lock (when the wheels seize up from excessively hard braking).
Should wheel lock be detected, the ABS system will release and apply the brakes about 10 times per second. This is much faster than any human could manually perform. ABS systems are designed to help drivers maintain steering control, and maximize stopping in a sudden, hard braking situation.

Car-X is your One Stop Brake Shop Solution!

For over 50 years, Car-X has kept customers safe on the road with our complete car repair services. When it comes to your brakes, make sure they are working as they should! Come in and take advantage of our free, no obligation brake inspection service.

Our experts will inspect your brakes, and let you know if there is anything that might be needed.

Join the many thousands of drivers each year who trust their car repair needs to Car-X! Give us a call today!

Common Car Repairs You Should Not Do Yourself

Mechanic Car Repairs

5 Common Car Repairs You Should Not Do Yourself

Years ago, passenger cars were much simpler to repair, or maintain than they are today. This is why some drivers in decades past worked on their own vehicles. Modern automobiles, however, are extremely complex machines, requiring specialized tools, training, and experience to repair them.

While it is tempting for some car owners to try to save time and money by repairing their own vehicles, it is not advisable. People who work on cars, but are not qualified to can jeopardize not only their safety, but also the welfare of other motorists on the road.

In this blog, let’s look at 5 common car repairs that you should not do yourself.

Common Car Repairs by Mechanics

Brake Repair

A car’s brakes seem pretty simple. You press the pedal, and the vehicle stops. However, what is behind that process in modern cars is extremely complex. Brakes are made up of many individual components, all working together. These include brake pads, calipers, rotors, brake fluid, electronic sensors, motors, and a master cylinder.

With the introduction of Automated Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), your car’s brakes are likely part of a network of computer modules, electronic sensors, motors, and software that run the Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) Lane Departure System (LDS) or Collision Avoidance Systems. Many of these safety features require post repair calibration to operate correctly.  Because a vehicle’s braking system is such a critical part of its safety features, be sure to have a qualified technician repair it.

Transmission Repair      

Automobile transmissions have always been complicated, but this is especially true today. Because modern transmissions are part of the powertrain control network, classic symptoms like slipping, erratic or hard shifting are generally not transmission malfunctions but rather a sensor providing incorrect data to the powertrain control module and/or transmission control module. Discovering the root cause of these symptoms usually requires advanced specialized training.

In fact, not all mechanics are qualified to do it. If you sense your transmission is slipping, or not shifting correctly, be sure to take the car to a technician who is qualified to diagnose the problem and fix it.

Engine Diagnostics

Today’s vehicles have multiple onboard computers that help monitor and control their performance. If the  Check Engine light appears on your dashboard, this is your car letting you know that something needs attention.

Well-meaning parts store employees can plug a diagnostic reader into a port under the dash and learn from a series of codes why your engine light is glowing. While some people try to interpret a code by looking it up on the internet, correctly repairing the issue is an entirely different skill set. A qualified technician will use specialized tools to analyze which sensors are reporting outside of their acceptable parameters then perform tests to discover why it is occurring.  Pro Tip: The root cause is generally not the sensor which illuminated the “check engine light”.

Car Electrical Repair

 Automobile electrical systems are more complicated today than any other period in the history of vehicle manufacturing. The science of electricity hasn’t changed since Ben Franklin flew his kite in a thunderstorm. But the strategies employed to control nearly every component of a modern car is changing with every model year.  Even simple light bulb functionality requires knowledge of advanced electronic networks.

Be sure to take your car to an experienced, trained mechanic to address any electrical system problems.

Suspension Repair   

Like your car’s braking system, its front and rear suspension play a critical role in keeping you safe.

They are designed to support the weight of the car as it travels down the road. In addition, your car’s steering is dependent upon the front suspension operating properly.

Over time, a vehicle’s suspension parts will wear, and need to be replaced. Because your safety is literally riding on your car’s suspension, be sure it is serviced by people who have been formally trained to repair, perform an alignment and calibrate any affected sensors such as SAS.

Car Starter Issues

One of the most often used components on your car’s engine is the starter. Without it, your vehicle won’t be taking you anywhere.

Starters in most modern cars are attached to the engine in hard-to-reach spots. In addition, many vehicles require that other parts be removed before the starter can be accessed. If your starter is not performing as it should, be sure to take the car to a qualified mechanic who can fix it properly.

When to Consult a Mechanic: Key Signs to Watch For

You should consult your mechanic if you experience any of these common car problems.

  • Grinding sounds, or poor stopping performance from the brakes.
  • Transmission shifting issues.
  • The “Check Engine” light comes on.
  • Something goes wrong with the electrical system.
  • The car begins to ride rough, or not steering like it should.
  • The starter will not engage the engine.

Car-X is Here to Help with Car Repairs!

You rely on your vehicle to keep up with your busy lifestyle. For more than 50 years, the highly knowledgeable team at Car-X has been helping our customers stay safe out on the road.

Whether it be for any type of repair or preventative maintenance, you can count on us to take care of it promptly. Visit your local Car-X shop today!

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Why Regular Oil Changes are Critical

importance of oil changes

The Significance of Regular Oil Changes for Your Vehicle

As a driver it’s crucial to grasp the significance of oil changes. Oil changes rank among the simple maintenance tasks you can carry out for your car. Consistent upkeep plays a role in prolonging your vehicle’s lifespan and ensuring its operation. In this blog post we will delve into the importance of oil changes, indications that your car requires an oil change, recommended frequency for oil changes, and the advantages of routine vehicle maintenance.

The Importance of Regular Oil Changes
Oil is essential for maintaining engine performance by minimizing friction and controlling heat. Over time oil becomes contaminated with dirt and debris leading to reduced efficiency and potential harm to engine components. Regular oil changes help sustain a normal level of oil to keep your engine in top notch condition.

Signs that Indicate Your Car Requires an Oil Change
There are some signs to suggest that it’s time for an oil change. These signs include:

  • Odd engine noises
  • Presence of oil leaks
  • Noticeable burnt oil smell

Moreover, if your vehicle is not performing up to par or experiencing a decrease in fuel efficiency it may be time to consider getting an oil change.

Frequency of Oil Changes
The frequency you should change your oil depends on the make and model of your vehicle and the oil used, but most vehicles generally require an oil change every 5,000 to 7,500 miles. However it is always recommended to consult your owner’s manual for maintenance guidelines. If you frequently drive in conditions such as hot weather, dusty roads or stop and go traffic – you might need more frequent oil changes.

Benefits of Regular Maintenance
Regular maintenance plays a crucial role in ensuring that your vehicle operates efficiently and helps prevent costly repairs down the line. This includes oil and oil filter changes, brake inspections and electrical checks. By adhering to maintenance schedules, potential issues can be identified, leading to savings in both money and time in the long term. Additionally, regularly maintained vehicles tend to save on fuel costs while enhancing road safety by reducing the likelihood of breakdowns.

 Kinds of Oil

  • Conventional Motor Oil
    Conventional motor oil has its origins in crude oil that is pumped from the ground and processed. A base oil is produced to which additives are added, changing the properties of the oil to give it viscosity, protection properties, and improved heat breakdown levels.
  • Full Synthetic Motor Oil
    Synthetic motor oil is completely made with artificial or synthesized components. Additives are added to give it properties similar to those of conventional motor oil.
  • Synthetic Blend Oil
    Synthetic blend oil combines both full synthetic oil and conventional oil. This blend generally has more conventional oil than synthetic oil and it includes the beneficial additives of synthetic oil that help protect the engine.

Be sure to check your car’s specifications for the right oil to use. Depending on your vehicle, conventional oil should be changed every 3-5,000 miles, full synthetic will need to be changed every 10,000 to 15,000 miles, and synthetic blend needs to be changed every 5,000 to 7,500 miles.

Professional Oil Change Services
For car owners who find changing their oil both time consuming and messy, opting for professional oil change services at a service center can be a much more convenient solution. They will properly dispose of the oil and filter and ensure your vehicle is ready for the road.

To summarize, regular vehicle maintenance, especially oil changes, plays an important role in maintaining optimum performance for your vehicle. It’s important to be aware of the indicators that signal when an oil change is needed and how frequently it should be done based on your car make and model. By adhering to regular maintenance practices, car owners can save both time and money in the long run while enjoying a safe and dependable driving experience.

Car-X is Your One Stop Auto Repair Solution
Car-X has been providing quality, reliable automotive service since 1971. Proper maintenance and service of your vehicle can make a big difference in providing you with many miles of trouble-free driving. Contact Car-X today and schedule an appointment for an oil change on your vehicle and we will make the process easy and fast!

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Can My Flat Tire Be Fixed?

At some time or another, most people will experience a flat tire on their car. Flats can happen for a variety of reasons, and the good news is that in most cases, tires that have gone flat can be repaired. However, not all tires can be repaired.flat tire

In this blog, let’s take a look at the various ways a flat tire can be repaired, when it can’t, and the importance of having a good quality spare should you ever need it.

Why Do Car Tires Go Flat?

Car and truck tires can go flat for a number of reasons, including:

  • Punctures from a nail, bolt or glass in the tread area.
  • Broken bead.
  • Faulty valve stem.
  • Damage to the tire’s sidewall.


There are many objects in the street or highway that can cause a tire puncture. If a sharp object has torn a hole in the tread of your tire, it can usually be repaired.

One- & Two-Piece Patches

A highly effective way to repair a punctured tire is with a patch. Today, there are both one piece and two-piece patches available. A qualified technician will be able to determine which type of patch should be utilized.

With patches, it’s important to know that the location of a tire puncture can only be in the area known as the crown. The crown is defined as the region between the shoulders of the tire.

The angle at which the tire injury occurred will determine whether a one piece or two-piece patch should be used. If the injury angle is less than 25-degrees, a one-piece patch repair can be made. Tires that have a puncture angle of more than 25-degrees require a two-piece patch.

 Sidewall Damage Cannot be Repaired 

When inflated, tires are under a tremendous amount of pressure, especially around the sidewall area. If a tire experiences damage to the sidewall, it cannot be repaired safely. Tires with sidewall damage must be replaced.

 Broken Beads

The bead is the seal between the tire and the edge of the rim that is designed to keep air from escaping. Age, weather conditions, or hitting a big pot hole can cause a tire’s bead to fail. A qualified tire technician can remove the tire from the rim, clean both thoroughly and apply a special bead sealer adhesive. Once dry, the tire can be re-inflated and put back on the car.

Broken Valve Stems

The valve stem is mounted into a tire’s rim and allows for the filling and releasing of air. If a valve stem is broken or faulty, it will not hold air. Valve stems can be easily replaced by a qualified technician.

Everything You Need to Know About Spare Tires

Nobody really thinks about their car’s spare tire, until they need to use it! Be sure to check the air pressure in your spare tire every time you check the rest of the tires. Be sure to follow the instructions on the spare tire with regard to inflation limits.

While some cars have full size spares, many vehicles today have what are known as “space savers” or “donut spares”. These types of spare tires are much smaller than your car’s regular tires, and should only be used for a very limited amount of time and miles. No matter what kind of spare tire you have, be sure it is in good condition, has adequate tread, and properly inflated.

Car-X is Your One Stop Tire Solution!

Car-X has been providing quality, reliable automotive services since 1971. Maintaining your tires is important to do all year long. If you have a flat tire, our experienced team can get you back on the road in no time. We also carry a large selection of brand name tires at a great price should you need them.

Call Car-X today and schedule an appointment for all of your tire repair or replacement needs! 

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Catalytic Converters

For nearly fifty years, the catalytic converter has been an essential componentcatalytic converter, parts, function, works of an automobile’s emission and exhaust system. These devices have also been in the news in recent years, as they are frequently stolen from the underneath of cars.

What is a Catalytic Converter?

First appearing onto the automotive scene around 1975, a catalytic converter is an oval-shaped device that is connected to a car’s exhaust system. The converter receives toxic gasses from a car’s engine, and transforms it into less harmful pollutants. This is accomplished through a chemical reaction process inside the unit.

What is the Purpose of a Catalytic Converter?

The principle purpose of a catalytic converter is to reduce the amount of emission pollution a gasoline or diesel engine produces while running. Starting in the 1970s, many people were becoming concerned about the air quality in populated areas, as it related to the amount of pollution automobiles were producing.

Where is the Catalytic Converter Located on a Car?

The catalytic converter is normally located about halfway down a car’s exhaust pipe, between the engine and the vehicle’s muffler.

How Do Catalytic Converters Work?

When a car’s exhaust gases travel through a heated catalytic converter, several chemical reactions take place that reduce the amount of toxic fumes the vehicle emits into the air.

What is Inside a Catalytic Converter?

A catalytic converter has multiple components within its metal container that make it work. When heated, a ceramic material, known as a substrate provides a suitable surface area for the unit’s chemical reactions to take place.

The precious metals Platinum (Pt), Palladium (Pd), and Rhodium (Rh) are also contained in the device, which are responsible for the chemical reaction that cleans a car’s exhaust before it is released into the atmosphere.

Why Are Catalytic Converters Stolen?

catalytic converter, stolen, theft Catalytic converters are often stolen because they contain the precious metals, Platinum (Pt), Palladium (Pd), and Rhodium (Rh). After removing the converter from a car, thieves extract these valuable metals from the device and sell them. These metals are considered rare, as they are mined mostly in South Africa and Russia.[/caption]

Criminal activity involving catalytic converters has skyrocketed in recent years, partly due to supplies being adversely affected by the worldwide Covid Pandemic.

How Are Catalytic Converters Stolen?

Stealing a catalytic converter from a vehicle is not easy. Thieves climb under a car with a reciprocating saw and cut the unit off the exhaust system. This process is extremely noisy, but only takes several minutes to do.

Are Catalytic Converter Thefts Covered By Insurance?

If an auto owner has Comprehensive coverage on their policy, the theft of a catalytic converter would be covered.

What To Do If Your Catalytic Converter is Stolen

Should you become the unfortunate victim of a catalytic converter theft, the first thing to do is remain calm. Call the police and file a report. It is also important to alert your insurance company about the theft that has occurred.

Car-X Can Help

Your friendly, local Car-X Tire & Auto can help if your catalytic converter is stolen from your vehicle. Our experienced technicians will replace the unit and restore your car’s exhaust system back to normal operation. We’ve been helping motorists with all types of car repairs since 1971, and we are here to assist you too.

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What’s the Difference Between Conventional vs. Semi-Synthetic Oil?

When it comes to the maintenance of vehicles, motor oil, and oil changes areSynthetic oil change, conventional oil change, best oil for my vehicle imperative. Motor oil is essential for properly lubricating a car’s engine, at all temperatures and speeds.

There are many different types of motor oil on the market today, including conventional, synthetic, and semi-synthetic blends.  No matter what kind of car you have or its age, it’s important to know the right kind of oil to use, so your vehicle can operate at top performance and provide many years of reliable service.

Different Types of Motor Oil

Let’s look at the different types of oil used in cars on the road today.

Conventional Oil

Conventional oil is a refined crude oil, and compared to other oil types, it generally has fewer additives. Conventional oil is recommended for older vehicles and those seeking the least expensive option.

Full- Synthetic Oil

Unlike conventional oil, which is made of crude oil, synthetic oil is entirely manufactured, so its formula is always the same and helps with vehicle performance. The chemical properties in fully synthetic oil have been refined, removing impurities and adding properties that will benefit fuel and engine efficiency. Synthetic oil is recommended for high-performance vehicles, and although it is more expensive, it will allow for less frequent oil changes than conventional oil.

It is important to know that not all cars can run properly on full-synthetic oil. Be sure to refer to your owner’s manual for proper guidance.

Semi-Synthetic Oil

Semi-synthetic oil, or a synthetic blend oil, combines both full synthetic oil and conventional oil. While this mixture generally has more conventional oil than synthetic oil, it does get the beneficial additives of synthetic oil that help protect the engine. This type of motor oil is less expensive than full synthetic, making it a more economical choice.

Be sure to check your car’s specifications for the right oil to use.

How To Know Which Motor Oil Is Best?

The advantage of a conventional oil is the cost. And for older vehicles, it is best and provides the best engine protection and lubrication for aging engines.

Synthetic oil is made of properties that prevent corrosion and is designed to protect today’s high tech engines. It’s more expensive than conventional oil, but is a necessity for many newer cars.

Synthetic-blend oil is a good middle of the road option, as it combines both conventional and synthetic blends together. Be sure to consult your owner’s manual about whether your car was designed to utilize a hybrid blend such as this one.

Car-X is Your One Stop Auto Repair Solution

Car-X has been providing quality, reliable automotive service since 1971. Proper maintenance and service of your vehicle can make a big difference in providing you with many miles of trouble-free driving.

Call Car-X today and schedule an appointment for an oil change on your vehicle! We make the process easy and fast!

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Why is My Check Engine Light On?

Check Engine LightYou are driving your car down the freeway, and everything seems to be fine. Then suddenly the Check Engine Light illuminates on the dashboard. When this issue occurs, it is important that you address this problem in a timely manner.

In this blog, we will take a look at what to do when your Check Engine Light comes on, some possible reasons for it, and most importantly, how to get the problem resolved.

What is the Check Engine Light?

Today’s vehicles are extremely intricate machines, with many onboard computers controlling all the vehicle’s complex operations.

When the Check Engine Light becomes illuminated it is a warning to the driver that the car’s onboard computers have detected a problem that a system in the vehicle is not performing as it should.

Your vehicle will also tell you the severity of the situation by illuminating the Check Engine Light in several different ways.  A solid yellow light means that the issue at hand is not immediately urgent but should be addressed.

A flashing light is an indication that something is seriously wrong and requires immediate attention.

Anytime your Check Engine Light comes on it is very important to take your car to a qualified repair shop to diagnose the issue.

Top Reasons That Check Engine Lights Appear

Engine Issues

Various engine problems can trigger the Check Engine Light to come on. Whether it be low oil pressure, overheating, or drivability issues, the light is a warning that something is going on that should not be happening.

Transmission Problems

Your car’s transmission plays a critical role in its operation, as it transfers engine power to the wheels, so the vehicle can move. Some transmission issues are mechanical in nature, and others are electronic or computer related. Transmission problems may cause the Check Engine light to illuminate. 

Emission System

Today’s modern cars are equipped with sophisticated emissions systems that are designed to minimize the amount of pollution a vehicle produces while in operation.

There are many sensors and other components that make up a car’s emission system. If any component stops performing as it should, the Check Engine Light will appear.


Engines and transmissions produce a tremendous amount of heat as they drive down the road.

A car’s cooling system is designed to keep the vehicle’s operating temperature within the proper range. When this system develops an overheating problem, serious damage to the engine can result.

How Do You Resolve a Check Engine Light Problem?

Just as cars have many sophisticated on board computers today, modern repair shops invest in complex diagnostic equipment that is used to determine what is wrong with a vehicle, and the best strategy to fix it.

Highly trained technicians connect to a car’s computer system by using diagnostic equipment at the repair shop. Based on a wide variety of trouble codes and performance measurements, a technician can interpret the nature of a vehicle’s issue and decide how to properly repair it.

Once the proper repairs have been made, the technician can “clear” the Check Engine light and turn it off. Then the technician will take a test drive and ensure all systems are operating properly.

Car-X is Your One Stop Auto Repair Solution!

For more than 50 years, the pros at Car-X have helped our customers keep their vehicles on the road and operating at top performance. In our shops, we have the latest diagnostic equipment for most type of vehicles, and our experienced technicians receive specialized training on how to use it. Should you find yourself with a Check Engine light illuminated on your dashboard, be sure to visit your local Car-X repair shop today.

We will get you back on the road in no time! Click to request an appointment today.

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Why is My Car Leaking Coolant?


coolant leak, leak under car

One of the most important components of your car’s engine is its cooling system, as it is responsible for preventing the motor from overheating while driving. If you happen to notice, a bright green or orange fluid on the ground under your car, you could have a coolant leak and should get the issue addressed right away.

Let’s look at 5 reasons your car might be leaking coolant or what is known as anti-freeze.

Leak in the Radiator or Hoses 

A car’s radiator is usually located in the front of the engine compartment, behind the grill. It is responsible for taking hot coolant from the engine and reducing its temperature. The coolant is then returned to the engine. This process is repeated in a continuous cycle.

If your radiator springs a leak, coolant will pour out onto the ground. This can be hazardous, as a leaking radiator will not be able to cool anti-freeze properly. In addition, the car’s coolant supply will eventually leak out, possibly causing severe engine damage. Take your car to a qualified technician to see if your radiator or one of its hoses is leaking.

Faulty Radiator Cap

Sometimes a leak can come from the radiator cap itself.  Because the cap is constantly under extreme pressure, its seal can wear out, causing a fluid leak. A qualified repair shop can test your radiator cap for proper performance.

Water Pump Leak

Your car’s water pump is responsible for circulating coolant around the engine and to the radiator. Leakage is one of the first signs of a faulty water pump. A failing water pump can cause a vehicle to lose a great quantity of coolant and eventually overheat. Have an auto repair shop inspect your water pump for leaks and to determine if it is functioning properly.

Blown Head Gasket

A failed head gasket can cause serious damage to an engine, even to the point of seizure. The head of the engine is where the fuel, ignition, exhaust, and intake systems all come together to perform their various functions.

A car with a blown head gasket needs to be turned off right away, to avoid catastrophic damage from occurring. If you suspect that this has happened to your vehicle, consult with a qualified repair person immediately.

Expansion Tank Crack

When a car warms up to normal operating temperature, pressure builds up in the radiator which necessitates some of its coolant to be transferred to an expansion tank.

Over time, this plastic tank can crack, causing leaks. Have a trusted auto shop inspect your radiator system and its expansion tank. If you see a coolant leak coming from somewhere other than the radiator, have a technician check the expansion tank.

Car-X is Your One Stop Auto Repair Solution!

Car-X has been providing quality, reliable automotive service since 1971. If your car has developed a coolant leak, don’t wait to have it addressed, as it can lead to serious problems in a short time.

Call the Car-X Man and schedule an appointment for your vehicle. We will get your car running at top performance in no time!

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