Catalytic Converters

For nearly fifty years, the catalytic converter has been an essential componentcatalytic converter, parts, function, works of an automobile’s emission and exhaust system. These devices have also been in the news in recent years, as they are frequently stolen from the underneath of cars.

What is a Catalytic Converter?

First appearing onto the automotive scene around 1975, a catalytic converter is an oval-shaped device that is connected to a car’s exhaust system. The converter receives toxic gasses from a car’s engine, and transforms it into less harmful pollutants. This is accomplished through a chemical reaction process inside the unit.

What is the Purpose of a Catalytic Converter?

The principle purpose of a catalytic converter is to reduce the amount of emission pollution a gasoline or diesel engine produces while running. Starting in the 1970s, many people were becoming concerned about the air quality in populated areas, as it related to the amount of pollution automobiles were producing.

Where is the Catalytic Converter Located on a Car?

The catalytic converter is normally located about halfway down a car’s exhaust pipe, between the engine and the vehicle’s muffler.

How Do Catalytic Converters Work?

When a car’s exhaust gases travel through a heated catalytic converter, several chemical reactions take place that reduce the amount of toxic fumes the vehicle emits into the air.

What is Inside a Catalytic Converter?

A catalytic converter has multiple components within its metal container that make it work. When heated, a ceramic material, known as a substrate provides a suitable surface area for the unit’s chemical reactions to take place.

The precious metals Platinum (Pt), Palladium (Pd), and Rhodium (Rh) are also contained in the device, which are responsible for the chemical reaction that cleans a car’s exhaust before it is released into the atmosphere.

Why Are Catalytic Converters Stolen?

catalytic converter, stolen, theft Catalytic converters are often stolen because they contain the precious metals, Platinum (Pt), Palladium (Pd), and Rhodium (Rh). After removing the converter from a car, thieves extract these valuable metals from the device and sell them. These metals are considered rare, as they are mined mostly in South Africa and Russia.[/caption]

Criminal activity involving catalytic converters has skyrocketed in recent years, partly due to supplies being adversely affected by the worldwide Covid Pandemic.

How Are Catalytic Converters Stolen?

Stealing a catalytic converter from a vehicle is not easy. Thieves climb under a car with a reciprocating saw and cut the unit off the exhaust system. This process is extremely noisy, but only takes several minutes to do.

Are Catalytic Converter Thefts Covered By Insurance?

If an auto owner has Comprehensive coverage on their policy, the theft of a catalytic converter would be covered.

What To Do If Your Catalytic Converter is Stolen

Should you become the unfortunate victim of a catalytic converter theft, the first thing to do is remain calm. Call the police and file a report. It is also important to alert your insurance company about the theft that has occurred.

Car-X Can Help

Your friendly, local Car-X Tire & Auto can help if your catalytic converter is stolen from your vehicle. Our experienced technicians will replace the unit and restore your car’s exhaust system back to normal operation. We’ve been helping motorists with all types of car repairs since 1971, and we are here to assist you too.

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What’s the Difference Between Conventional vs. Semi-Synthetic Oil?

When it comes to the maintenance of vehicles, motor oil, and oil changes areSynthetic oil change, conventional oil change, best oil for my vehicle imperative. Motor oil is essential for properly lubricating a car’s engine, at all temperatures and speeds.

There are many different types of motor oil on the market today, including conventional, synthetic, and semi-synthetic blends.  No matter what kind of car you have or its age, it’s important to know the right kind of oil to use, so your vehicle can operate at top performance and provide many years of reliable service.

Different Types of Motor Oil

Let’s look at the different types of oil used in cars on the road today.

Conventional Oil

Conventional oil is a refined crude oil, and compared to other oil types, it generally has fewer additives. Conventional oil is recommended for older vehicles and those seeking the least expensive option.

Full- Synthetic Oil

Unlike conventional oil, which is made of crude oil, synthetic oil is entirely manufactured, so its formula is always the same and helps with vehicle performance. The chemical properties in fully synthetic oil have been refined, removing impurities and adding properties that will benefit fuel and engine efficiency. Synthetic oil is recommended for high-performance vehicles, and although it is more expensive, it will allow for less frequent oil changes than conventional oil.

It is important to know that not all cars can run properly on full-synthetic oil. Be sure to refer to your owner’s manual for proper guidance.

Semi-Synthetic Oil

Semi-synthetic oil, or a synthetic blend oil, combines both full synthetic oil and conventional oil. While this mixture generally has more conventional oil than synthetic oil, it does get the beneficial additives of synthetic oil that help protect the engine. This type of motor oil is less expensive than full synthetic, making it a more economical choice.

Be sure to check your car’s specifications for the right oil to use.

How To Know Which Motor Oil Is Best?

The advantage of a conventional oil is the cost. And for older vehicles, it is best and provides the best engine protection and lubrication for aging engines.

Synthetic oil is made of properties that prevent corrosion and is designed to protect today’s high tech engines. It’s more expensive than conventional oil, but is a necessity for many newer cars.

Synthetic-blend oil is a good middle of the road option, as it combines both conventional and synthetic blends together. Be sure to consult your owner’s manual about whether your car was designed to utilize a hybrid blend such as this one.

Car-X is Your One Stop Auto Repair Solution

Car-X has been providing quality, reliable automotive service since 1971. Proper maintenance and service of your vehicle can make a big difference in providing you with many miles of trouble-free driving.

Call Car-X today and schedule an appointment for an oil change on your vehicle! We make the process easy and fast!

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Why is My Check Engine Light On?

Check Engine LightYou are driving your car down the freeway, and everything seems to be fine. Then suddenly the Check Engine Light illuminates on the dashboard. When this issue occurs, it is important that you address this problem in a timely manner.

In this blog, we will take a look at what to do when your Check Engine Light comes on, some possible reasons for it, and most importantly, how to get the problem resolved.

What is the Check Engine Light?

Today’s vehicles are extremely intricate machines, with many onboard computers controlling all the vehicle’s complex operations.

When the Check Engine Light becomes illuminated it is a warning to the driver that the car’s onboard computers have detected a problem that a system in the vehicle is not performing as it should.

Your vehicle will also tell you the severity of the situation by illuminating the Check Engine Light in several different ways.  A solid yellow light means that the issue at hand is not immediately urgent but should be addressed.

A flashing light is an indication that something is seriously wrong and requires immediate attention.

Anytime your Check Engine Light comes on it is very important to take your car to a qualified repair shop to diagnose the issue.

Top Reasons That Check Engine Lights Appear

Engine Issues

Various engine problems can trigger the Check Engine Light to come on. Whether it be low oil pressure, overheating, or drivability issues, the light is a warning that something is going on that should not be happening.

Transmission Problems

Your car’s transmission plays a critical role in its operation, as it transfers engine power to the wheels, so the vehicle can move. Some transmission issues are mechanical in nature, and others are electronic or computer related. Transmission problems may cause the Check Engine light to illuminate. 

Emission System

Today’s modern cars are equipped with sophisticated emissions systems that are designed to minimize the amount of pollution a vehicle produces while in operation.

There are many sensors and other components that make up a car’s emission system. If any component stops performing as it should, the Check Engine Light will appear.


Engines and transmissions produce a tremendous amount of heat as they drive down the road.

A car’s cooling system is designed to keep the vehicle’s operating temperature within the proper range. When this system develops an overheating problem, serious damage to the engine can result.

How Do You Resolve a Check Engine Light Problem?

Just as cars have many sophisticated on board computers today, modern repair shops invest in complex diagnostic equipment that is used to determine what is wrong with a vehicle, and the best strategy to fix it.

Highly trained technicians connect to a car’s computer system by using diagnostic equipment at the repair shop. Based on a wide variety of trouble codes and performance measurements, a technician can interpret the nature of a vehicle’s issue and decide how to properly repair it.

Once the proper repairs have been made, the technician can “clear” the Check Engine light and turn it off. Then the technician will take a test drive and ensure all systems are operating properly.

Car-X is Your One Stop Auto Repair Solution!

For more than 50 years, the pros at Car-X have helped our customers keep their vehicles on the road and operating at top performance. In our shops, we have the latest diagnostic equipment for most type of vehicles, and our experienced technicians receive specialized training on how to use it. Should you find yourself with a Check Engine light illuminated on your dashboard, be sure to visit your local Car-X repair shop today.

We will get you back on the road in no time! Click to request an appointment today.

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Why is My Car Leaking Coolant?


coolant leak, leak under car

One of the most important components of your car’s engine is its cooling system, as it is responsible for preventing the motor from overheating while driving. If you happen to notice, a bright green or orange fluid on the ground under your car, you could have a coolant leak and should get the issue addressed right away.

Let’s look at 5 reasons your car might be leaking coolant or what is known as anti-freeze.

Leak in the Radiator or Hoses 

A car’s radiator is usually located in the front of the engine compartment, behind the grill. It is responsible for taking hot coolant from the engine and reducing its temperature. The coolant is then returned to the engine. This process is repeated in a continuous cycle.

If your radiator springs a leak, coolant will pour out onto the ground. This can be hazardous, as a leaking radiator will not be able to cool anti-freeze properly. In addition, the car’s coolant supply will eventually leak out, possibly causing severe engine damage. Take your car to a qualified technician to see if your radiator or one of its hoses is leaking.

Faulty Radiator Cap

Sometimes a leak can come from the radiator cap itself.  Because the cap is constantly under extreme pressure, its seal can wear out, causing a fluid leak. A qualified repair shop can test your radiator cap for proper performance.

Water Pump Leak

Your car’s water pump is responsible for circulating coolant around the engine and to the radiator. Leakage is one of the first signs of a faulty water pump. A failing water pump can cause a vehicle to lose a great quantity of coolant and eventually overheat. Have an auto repair shop inspect your water pump for leaks and to determine if it is functioning properly.

Blown Head Gasket

A failed head gasket can cause serious damage to an engine, even to the point of seizure. The head of the engine is where the fuel, ignition, exhaust, and intake systems all come together to perform their various functions.

A car with a blown head gasket needs to be turned off right away, to avoid catastrophic damage from occurring. If you suspect that this has happened to your vehicle, consult with a qualified repair person immediately.

Expansion Tank Crack

When a car warms up to normal operating temperature, pressure builds up in the radiator which necessitates some of its coolant to be transferred to an expansion tank.

Over time, this plastic tank can crack, causing leaks. Have a trusted auto shop inspect your radiator system and its expansion tank. If you see a coolant leak coming from somewhere other than the radiator, have a technician check the expansion tank.

Car-X is Your One Stop Auto Repair Solution!

Car-X has been providing quality, reliable automotive service since 1971. If your car has developed a coolant leak, don’t wait to have it addressed, as it can lead to serious problems in a short time.

Call the Car-X Man and schedule an appointment for your vehicle. We will get your car running at top performance in no time!

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Why Your Car’s Engine Is Making a Rattling Noise

Are you hearing a rattling or pinging sound from your car? Is the noise coming from the engine area? An engine rattling noise can be a sign that something is wrong, and should be addressed as soon as possible. Let’s take a look at some possible reasons why your car’s engine is making unusual sounds.

A Rattling Noise from the Engine When Accelerating

Noises coming from the engine when you are pushing on the gas could be caused by a loose or weak timing belt, chain tensioner, cracked flywheel, or a broken flexplate.

These issues will only get worse over time, not better.  It is important to bring your car into the repair shop as soon as possible.

Noises Coming from the Engine When Idling

A common problem that may be causing a rattling noise while idling involves the engine’s hydraulic valve lifters. This part of your car is responsible for opening and closing the engine’s intake and exhaust valves.

When a lifter is not working properly, a loud ticking sound can usually be heard under the hood.

Another issue that could be causing a rattling noise at idle is piston slap. If one or more of your pistons no longer fit properly in the cylinders due to wear, piston slap can occur. This is something that should be checked out right away. 

Engine Noises Happening When the Car Is Hot 

An engine ticking noise when the car is hot could indicate low oil pressure. Insufficient oil pressure can be damaging to an engine regardless of its age, so having a qualified mechanic take a look at it is highly advisable.  

Find Help with Your Auto Repair and Services

Car-X has been providing quality, reliable automotive service since 1971. Proper maintenance and service of your vehicle can make a big difference in helping to care for your car.

Call the Car-X Man or schedule an appointment for your vehicle, and we can help repair the issues related to noises coming from your car’s engine—keeping you safe and your vehicle functioning properly.

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Why Does the Inside of My Car Smell Like Gas?

gas smell in car, car smells like gasIf the inside cabin of your vehicle smells like gasoline, it could be a sign that there may be more significant problems, and you should address them as soon as possible. While the smell of gas fumes on occasion isn’t as alarming, a strong odor from inside the vehicle should be investigated right away.  

In this article, we will discuss potential reasons why the inside of your car smells like gas, such as possible fuel or exhaust leaks, a malfunctioning gas cap  a failed pressure regulator, and more.

Fuel Leaks

If the smell of gasoline seems to be coming from the engine compartment, this could be a sign that there’s a leak in the fuel system. It is very important to have this checked out right away, as a leak in the fuel system could cause a fire under the hood.  

Exhaust Leak

In contrast, if the gasoline smell seems to be coming from the car’s exhaust, this could be a sign of an exhaust leak. One of the main functions of a car’s exhaust system is to ensure drivers aren’t breathing in exhaust fumes. If you begin smelling gas fumes at the front of the vehicle near the engine or inside the cabin, the car’s exhaust system should be checked out.

Malfunctioning Fuel Cap or EVAP system

There is also a chance the gas smell in your car cabin is because of a faulty gas cap or EVAP (emissions) system. If your vehicle’s gas cap isn’t sealing correctly or is loose, damaged, or missing, gasoline fumes may escape through the fuel filler. Modern cars are also designed with EVAP systems to capture these gas fumes, so if that’s malfunctioning, it could be the source of the gas odor.  

Failed Pressure Regulator

A failed pressure regulator may also leave your car with a gas smell. If the regulator is not working correctly, the vehicle’s fuel mixture may be off, causing an abundance of fuel to be present in the system. This will cause the car to run “rich”, which could produce a strong odor of gas in the passenger cabin.

Car-X is Your One Stop Auto Repair Solution!

Car-X has been providing quality, reliable automotive service since 1971. Proper maintenance and service of your vehicle can make a big difference in its ability to provide you with many miles of trouble free driving.  

Call the Car-X Man or schedule an appointment for your vehicle, and we can help repair the issues related to what is causing your car to smell like gas—keeping you safe and your vehicle functioning properly.

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Safety Tips for Driving In Heavy Rain

Wipers clearing rain, and roads busy with traffic.

Spring has finally arrived- along with an increase in rainy days. Heavy rain may be beneficial to flowers, but it is not the best weather to drive your car in. The roads become slick and visibility can be limited due to rain and fog. Use these tips to ensure a safe trip during heavy rainfall.

  • Slow down! Be sure to drive at or below the speed limit when the roads are slick.
  • Avoid hard braking, turn slowly, and ensure ample distance between the car in front of you.
  • Turn on headlights (but not the brights) In 18 states it is illegal to use your windshield wipers without turning on your headlights during inclement weather. Some of those states include Illinois, Missouri, and Ohio.
  • If you feel uncomfortable, pull over. Sometimes it is best to wait until the rain slows down before you continue your route. You should never drive when stressed out or uncomfortable about your safety.
  • Keep your tires properly inflated. Under-inflated tires have less pressure pushing the car down on the road. You will you have less tire-to-road contact than a properly inflated tire, which increases your risk of hydroplaning.
  • If you find yourself hydroplaning- don’t slam on the brakes. Instead, ease off the gas pedal and use a light pumping method on the brakes.
  • Rain causes humidity. If you need to quickly de-fog your windshield, turn on the A/C to cool down the interior of the car.
  • If you hydroplane, steer in the direction your car is going. This will help your tires realign and gain traction back.

Above all, it is important to remain cautious and calm while driving through heavy rain. Stop in to your local Car-X if you need a headlight or wiper blade replacement, brake repair, or a general inspection of your car.

How To Know If Your Brakes Need To Be Replaced

The brake pads are an essential factor in your braking system. They protect the rotor from damage and distribute heat from friction. Many problems could arise if the brake pads are worn down more than a quarter of an inch. The metal “wear indicators” making friction with the rotor can cause warping or cracking. Without brake pads, the heat from fiction won’t distribute evenly, which could cause the entire braking system to overheat and fail. Replacing the entire braking system will be much more expensive than getting new brake pads. Here are 4 warning signs that you may need new brakes.

Strange noises

Squealing, buzzing, or scraping sounds- Wear indicators are metal tabs near the top of the brake pads. As the brake pad wears down, the indicator will scrape against the rotor. The grating noises sound as an alarm to the driver to replace the brake pads. Neglecting these sounds can result in warped or cracked rotors.

Clicking noise- A holding device and/or clips, bolts, and pins hold the brake pads in place. You may hear a clicking or rattling noise if the brake pad has become loose.

Braking takes longer than it used to

You may begin to feel the brakes’ lack of performance when you’re driving. Be on the lookout for longer stop times or needing to apply more pressure when braking. These are clear warning signs that you’ll need to get your brakes inspected immediately.

Shifting to one side

Sometimes the brake pads wear thinner on one side faster than the other. Your car may pull slightly to the left or right when pressing on the brakes if this occurs. You run the risk of damaging your steering system if this problem is ignored. Other issues, such as uneven tire pressure, can cause uneven shifting of the car. Determine the root cause of uneven stopping by getting an inspection ASAP.

Brake pedal vibrates

A rotor in poor condition will cause the brake pedal to vibrate when stopping. An uneven grasp on the brakes will cause the rotor to become scarred, warped, rusted, or cracked. This will cause a vibration or pulsation while braking.

The braking system is one of the most critical safety features of your vehicle. Issues or concerns about brakes should not be dismissed, as negligence can lead to an accident, expensive fees in repairs, and damage to other systems in your car.

If you’ve noticed any of these issues when braking, visit your local Car-X for an inspection or repair service today:

Why You Should Avoid Potholes on the Road

The months of December- April are considered pothole season. Potholes are formed in the pavement due to the expansion (freezing) and contraction (thawing) of ground water from rain and snow, and from heavy traffic.

While potholes usually only develop to a depth of a few inches, if they become large enough, they can cause damage to your car’s tires, wheels, suspension, and undercarriage.

How Potholes Affect Your Car

Tires and wheels Potholes typically have rough edges which can compress the tire. The impact could cause tread separation of the tires or even a flat. Running over a deep pothole can scratch the rims or bend and crack the wheels.

Suspension Repeated jolts from potholes accelerate the rate of wear and tear on your steering and suspension system. Your car’s suspension is made to absorb impact but sometimes an unruly pothole can cause damage. Misalignment, broken ball joints, or damaged shocks are all possible outcomes. Look out for any strange noises, vibrations, or pulling in one direction while driving.

Undercarriage Smaller cars are lower to the ground which makes damage to the low-hanging bumpers and sidings more likely. While this damage is mostly cosmetic, it can be a costly repair.

Exhaust pipes Your exhaust pipes are one of the lowest-hanging parts of your car. This makes them a perfect target for potholes. Damage to the exhaust system includes scraping or puncturing of the pipes. You’ll know right away if the exhaust system is damaged from a lot of noise and possibly loss of power. Concerns about the exhaust system should be addressed as soon as possible.

How to Avoid Potholes

Sometimes running over a pothole is unavoidable- they can come up quickly and are sometimes impossible to maneuver around due to surrounding traffic. Swerving or braking quickly can do more harm by causing a collision with other cars on the road.

Your best bet is to slow down while driving and if you must go over a pothole- keep your wheel straight. If there is no surrounding traffic, carefully check your mirrors and maneuver around it.

Avoid flat tires or bent wheels by making sure your tires are properly inflated. Check your vehicle’s proper inflation level on the sticker found in the driver-side doorjamb or owner’s manual. If you notice any loud noises, uneven rolling, or a bulge or dent in your tires, get your vehicle inspected immediately at a local Car-X Tire & Auto.

How to know your wipers need to be replaced

Most of us pay little attention to our wipers, until we need them the most. The rain is coming down fast and thick and you can’t see 5ft in front of you. You turn on your wipers and you can barely see out better than you could before. Your heart begins to race as you guess how far in front of you that car is and where the road lines are, and that is when accidents happen. Before this occurs, take a look at your wipers from time to time and ask yourself these questions:

  • Are they torn, cracked or even broken off in some places?
  • Are your wipers causing streaks or leaving grime after using wiper fluid?
  • Do you hear a chattering sound when using your wipers?
  • Are the wiper frames distorted/bend?

If you answer yes to any of those questions, you need new wiper blades. It is good practice to get ahead of these problems and change your wipers when the seasons change. This is not a costly maintenance, so make the choice to remain safe on the roads and get some new wiper blades. We at Car-X are more than happy to help you replace them if you don’t know how to do it. Call, or go online to to make an appointment today.