Safety Tips for Driving In Heavy Rain

Wipers clearing rain, and roads busy with traffic.

Spring has finally arrived- along with an increase in rainy days. Heavy rain may be beneficial to flowers, but it is not the best weather to drive your car in. The roads become slick and visibility can be limited due to rain and fog. Use these tips to ensure a safe trip during heavy rainfall.

  • Slow down! Be sure to drive at or below the speed limit when the roads are slick.
  • Avoid hard braking, turn slowly, and ensure ample distance between the car in front of you.
  • Turn on headlights (but not the brights) In 18 states it is illegal to use your windshield wipers without turning on your headlights during inclement weather. Some of those states include Illinois, Missouri, and Ohio.
  • If you feel uncomfortable, pull over. Sometimes it is best to wait until the rain slows down before you continue your route. You should never drive when stressed out or uncomfortable about your safety.
  • Keep your tires properly inflated. Under-inflated tires have less pressure pushing the car down on the road. You will you have less tire-to-road contact than a properly inflated tire, which increases your risk of hydroplaning.
  • If you find yourself hydroplaning- don’t slam on the brakes. Instead, ease off the gas pedal and use a light pumping method on the brakes.
  • Rain causes humidity. If you need to quickly de-fog your windshield, turn on the A/C to cool down the interior of the car.
  • If you hydroplane, steer in the direction your car is going. This will help your tires realign and gain traction back.

Above all, it is important to remain cautious and calm while driving through heavy rain. Stop in to your local Car-X if you need a headlight or wiper blade replacement, brake repair, or a general inspection of your car.

Winterize your vehicle

If the weather turns frightful is your vehicle ready for winter driving? Stay safe & keep your vehicle in good working order this winter with the following tips:

Battery Test Check Mark Battery test-If the battery is not checked, there is a chance the particularly cold nights will be too much, making the battery unable to power on the next day.

Antifreeze Check Mark Antifreeze-Another serious issue that often comes up in the winter is lack of enough coolant, which can cause the engine to freeze and possibly crack, causing detrimental harm.

Charging Systems Check Mark Charging system check-Your charging system needs to be tested to ensure it can handle running multiple items such as your defrosters, headlights, and heater at once.

Belt and Hoses Check Mark Belt & hose inspection-Cracked or worn belts are a big reason why cars break down. Similarly, hoses need to be inspected for leaks, bulging, etc. These should be checked annually before the winter months, so there is no chance of getting stranded out in the cold unnecessarily.

Brake Check Mark Brake check-Having brakes in good condition is imperative for slippery winter roads. Having your brakes and ABS system checked each year ensures you will be able to come to a stop easily should you happen to slide.

Oil Change Check Mark Oil change-Important year-round, having your oil changed for the winter months is a step you should not forget. Be sure to refer to your car’s owner manual, as some car manufacturers suggest using a different grade of oil for colder temperatures.

Wiper Blade Check Mark New wiper blades-It is necessary to have windshield wiper blades in good condition for when you get caught driving in the snow. There are even a variety of specialty wiper blades made specifically for snowy weather.

Tire Check Mark Tire maintenance-It is of utmost importance to make sure your tire pressure is at a good level. Tires should be inspected, as well as rotated if you have not done so recently.

Other helpful tips:

  • Run your air conditioning roughly once per month. This will help decrease the time it takes your windows to defog.
  • Keep your gas tank at least half full. The added weight helps in slippery conditions, and it also helps prevent moisture from forming.
  • Do not forget to keep a snow brush/ice scraper in your car.

Car-X provides a wide array of winterization products and services. Find a location near you, and let us take the worry out of winter driving.

Holiday Driving Safety

Driving SafetyDue to the excessive number of travelers driving during the holiday season, it is important to remember the following to avoid any possible trouble on the road.

Plan ahead – Plan time preceding your trip to assure your car is tuned up and ready for travel. Plan the route you will take, and leave early to ensure you get to your destination safely.

Check your oil – Depending on how far you are traveling, it may be necessary to get your oil changed.

Check your tires – Check the tread, and ensure there is sufficient tire pressure. This helps improve handling and increases your tires’ resistance to damage.

Buckle up – Passengers have a lower tendency to wear their seatbelts during long road trips. Unfortunately, holidays are one of the most vital times to be buckled up due to the increased amount of cars on the road.

Stay alert – Pull over and rest or switch drivers every so often. It is imperative to stay refreshed while driving during such a busy time of the year. Plan to make stops along the way.

Slow down – Speeding can result in a ticket, a car accident, or worse. Slowing down also increases fuel efficiency.

Avoid distractions – Do not use your cell phone or GPS while driving.

Bring a safety kit – Include a flashlight, food and drinks, jumper cables, a first aid kit, an ice scraper, and anything else you feel you may need in the case of an emergency.

Don’t over-indulge – If there will be drinking at your holiday celebration, designate a driver.

The holidays are all about family and friends. By taking a few extra steps when planning your trip, you can prevent any problems regarding travel and enjoy the festivities.